Gregor's Room

Charmin Ultrastrong
A visual response to the short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
White copy paper, India ink, NO ADHESIVES USED

Largest Sculpture measures 2" x  9" x  5"

Overview 2

Overview 3

Detail 1

Detail 2

Artist Statement:
The sculpture collection titled Campsite reflects my perception of the short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. The story reflects themes of clutter, quarantine, and humiliation. The story behind the theme, humiliation, is that Gregor used to be a high-ranked military officer but when he came back he had to be a traveling agent. This is why Gregor is represented as toilet paper in my project because his career went to s***. The theme of quarantine is represented by keeping the bed frame white because it looks like a sterile hospital room. Since he was locked in his room for such a long time, everything became a cluttered and disgusting mess. I represented clutter through the nasty green color of the mattress.

In-process Picture


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