Figurative Bust Sculpture
Logic (left bust) and Gunna (right bust) Air-dry clay, wood, wire, cloth, silver beads, and acrylic paint Left Sculpture 4" x 2" x 2". Right Sculpture 4" x 2" x 2" Logic (front) Logic (side) Logic (back) Gunna (front) Gunna (side) Gunna (back) In-process Artist Statement: Gun violence has been a major problem within our society for a very long time, with gun deaths rising each year. The left piece, Logic , is the representation of peace and non-gun violence. Logic is a rapper in the music world and has always created songs that revolve more around the peaceful side of the industry. The symbol of peace is shown through the Black Lives Matter shirt that he is wearing and the peace sign platform he sits on. The color orange is shown through the letters and peace symbol because it is the same color as the March for Our Lives parade. While the right piece, Gunna, is the representation of guns and violence because of his violent background in the ra...